Reading up on going green

GreenHomeNYC’s Green Careers Transition team is putting together a reading list – check out their previous selections. Continuing the series, GreenHomeNYC volunteer Mary Tchamkina takes a look at books that might help to motivate and guide your career transition. 1. The ECO Guide to Careers that Make a Difference: Environmental Work For A Sustainable World, by the Environmental Careers Organization The ECO Guide offers vivid “Career Snapshots” of selected employers and the professionals that work there. 2. In Transition, by Mary Burton Written as a follow up to a career advancement seminar for the Harvard Business School Club of New York, this book offers structured, practical advice for those in transition, and is aimed mostly at the management level professional. 3. Making a Living While Making a Difference, by Melissa Everett This green job guide is a timely and highly informative guide to a working life built on principled choices and an entrepreneurial attitude. It covers green enterprises and technologies, socially responsible business, innovative nonprofit work, and reinventing government. 4. Vault Career Guide to the Energy Industry, by Laura Chung 5. Zen and the Art of Making a Living, by Lawrence Boldt Lighthearted though long, this book is a guide for those searching for a career. In addition to some traditional approaches, the author attempts to guide the reader on a quest for spiritual fulfillment through work. And for those of you with a more entrepreneurial streak, here’s something to think about: 6. Natural Capitalism, by Paul Hawken with Amory and L. Hunter Lovins Discusses “a new type of industrialism” and develops a theory on the evolution of a green economy of the principle that business can be good for the environment.