2006 Green Buildings Open House

Our annual Green Buildings Open House was held on October 7, 2006. This year, we offered four walking tours in addition to the main bus tour. View detailed profiles of this year’s tour buildings. Bus Tours ($35; includes lunch and transit) Manhattan-Queens-Brooklyn: 9 am
  1. Green Bakery, East Village
  2. Queens Botanical Garden
  3. Williamsburg Daycare
  4. The Verdesian
  5. The Solaire
Bronx Tour: 10 am
  1. Bronx Library Center
  2. Fordham Bedford Housing Corp.
  3. Lunch – BOEDC
  4. Bronx Hall of Justice
  5. Parkview 1
  6. Eco Depot
Walking Tours ($20) Walking tours meet at the first location on the list at the indicated starting time. Downtown: 9:30 am
  1. NYC Administration for Childrens Services
  2. Green Bakery, East Village
  3. 140-142 West 4th Street
  4. Broadway loft
East Village Tour: 10:30 am
  1. 179 Rivington
  2. 228 East Third Street
  3. Solar One, with discussion of Greening a Block
Brooklyn Tour: 10 am
  1. Kiss and Cathcart offices
  2. Brooklyn Brownstone
  3. Habana Outpost in Fort Greene
Open House NY tour & Separate GHNYC tour: 10 am
  1. Battery Park City/World Trade Center
  2. Discussion (morning tour)
  3. The Solaire
  4. Verdesian