Author: Lisa Bonanate
October Tour Recap: Newtown Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant
by Noah Siegel Have you ever wondered what happens to the water you use after washing the dishes, taking a shower, or flushing the toilet? GreenHomeNYC visited the Newtown Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant in Greenpoint, Brooklyn to learn how the NYC Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) sustainably handles wastewater treatment. Our tour was led…
November Forum Recap: Innovations in Transportation: Mobility in Smart Cities
by Jenny Nicolas The GreenHomeNYC November Forum held at the Hafele America showroom showcased a panel of four thought-leaders, who provided insight on the current status of New York City’s mobility and addressed innovative solutions to create a truly Smart City. The panelists discussed exciting projects and cutting edge technology that will help cities…
2017 Volunteer of the Year: Gregory Thomas
GreenHomeNYC has many dedicated volunteers who contribute their talents to make our educational events a success. In 2017, the Board of Directors recognized one particular volunteer for his significant contributions to our organization over the last several years. We’re pleased to announce our 2017 Volunteer of the Year is Gregory Thomas. Gregory joined us…
GreenHomeNYC Year in Review: Taking on the Environmental Challenge
by Pamela Berns It’s been a year marked by extreme weather events, with hurricanes, fires, droughts, and flooding all across the globe. In the United States we saw Houston drown and Santa Rosa burn just a few months after Trump’s pullout from the Paris agreement in June. Climate advocacy groups, local policy makers, corporations,…
November Green Building Tour Recap: Building Towards Resilience
by Brigitta Berze It’s been five years since Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast, leaving a trail of destruction in the New York area. During the “Building Towards Resilience” Green Building Tours event, Henry Gifford of Chris Benedict R.A., led a tour through 327 and 334 East 8th Street – two Lower East Side buildings…
September Forum Recap: Spotlight on Hudson Yards
by Jennifer Urrutia Residents of the New York City “concrete jungle” are no strangers to construction and development. And while development is booming in New York City, there has never been a project quite like Hudson Yards, the largest private development in the history of the United States. Hudson Yards is located in Midtown…
October Forum Recap: Women of Green
by Claire Brown During GreenHomeNYC’s October Forum, eight women of green led us on a tour of their green building career paths. Through the Pecha Kucha style of presentation, the speakers used timed-slides to guide us through their search for their dream careers in engineering, sustainable design, new construction, and more. In addition to…
Growing Trend: Sustainable Science in New York City Schools
by Megan Nordgrén While the federal government currently eschews all mention of climate change, more and more New York City schools are embracing sustainability education. One such opportunity for a solid STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) program is turning students into urban farmers, as they learn the mandated science standards. The Greenhouse…
Recycling the Unrecyclable
by Lisa Bonanate One of the challenges facing recycling efforts is that only certain waste can be recycled while the rest is thrown away, generating massive amounts of garbage in landfills. Figuring out what can be recycled and where to dispose of it may cause well-intentioned consumers and businesses to throw their hands up…
July Forum Recap: Spotlight on Parks – Bigger and Better
By Sunitha Sarveswaran One of the classic New York City tourist destinations is Central Park, a landmark of innovation in landscape architecture and engineering. However, most tourists and maybe a few residents may not be aware of other equally inspiring parks located in New York City. During the GreenhomeNYC July Forum, Eloise Hirsh, President…