Annual Green Catwalk

Our first forum event for 2022 will be our annual Green Catwalk.

The Green Catwalk showcases new trends, technologies, and innovations in the environmental sustainability sphere. There is a diverse lineup of professionals that will talk about the importance of green infrastructure that increases storm-water capture, how street space can be shared more equitably, among other topics. Join us January 19th!


Jackson Chabot is the Director of Public Space Advocacy at Open Plans. Since joining Open Plans, Jackson has led the advocacy efforts for Open Plan’s proposal to create an Office of Public Space Management (OPSM) and launch Building Blocks, a block-level placemaking process. Jackson is a graduate of Pratt Institute’s Masters in Urban Placemaking and Management program and currently serves as the Treasurer for the NY Metro Chapter of the American Planning Association.

Shino Tanikawa is the Executive Director of the New York City Soil & Water Conservation District. She has a Master of Science degree in Marine Environmental Sciences from the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (formerly Marine Sciences Research Center) at Stony Brook University. As the Executive Director, she oversees the District’s stormwater & green infrastructure, environmental education, and urban soils programs. She currently serves on the Steering Committee of the Stormwater Infrastructure Matters (SWIM) Coalition, advises the leadership team of the NY/NJ Harbor & Estuary Program Citizens Advisory Committee, and is a founding member of the NYC Urban Soils Institute. Shino is also a founding member of the Bronx River Alliance, was the President of the Metro Forest Council and a board member of the Nature Network.

Time: 6:30-8:00 pm

Date: January 19th

Where: Online