Category: Blog
{Green Careers}: Presentation Skills Workshop
Learn how to put your foot forward with confident body language and presentation skills. Presented by GreenHomeNYC Board Member and Director of Building Operations Research and Training at CUNY Building Performance Lab, Paul Reale. Date: June 11th, 2019 Time: 6:30pm – 8:00pm with networking afterwards Location: GROHE, 160 Fifth Avenue (Entrance on 21st),…
Monthly Forum: Building a Resilient Future
Enormous problems of the future are making their way into the present-day at an accelerating rate. From aging infrastructure failures to climate-related catastrophes, from significant human population shifts to energy supply interruptions and more, we collectively face the daunting task of keeping up with the myriad changes happening all around us. Adaptability will…
Green Careers: Sustainable Career Tracks: Non-Profit Edition
Interested in the Sustainability Non-Profit Sector? Join us for a panel on Non-Profits! When sustainability challenges fall outside the domain of market solutions, who is there to provide redress? Non-profits can satisfy energy and environmental problems of great import that financial interest may ignore. Come learn lessons from professionals experienced in navigating careers in the…
March Forum Recap: NYC Food Waste – Upcycling and Impact
How is New York City Tackling Food Waste? Effective Solutions to a Serious Urban Issue By Louise Lauren GreenHomeNYC March Forum at WeWork, 12 East 49th St Nearly four million tons of waste get sent to the landfill per year just in New York City, and 30 percent of that is food waste.…
Green Careers April Recap: Sustainable Start-ups
By Melanie Mason Image by Ross Jaffe On April 9th, four start-up professionals joined GreenHomeNYC at our host venue Grohelive! Center to speak about their experience launching start-ups in the sustainability sector. The four panelists shared their journeys to where they are now, their perspectives on the current markets, and advice for finding a…
Green Building Tour: Pvilion – A Sustainable Workshop all About Solar Products
Join us on Thursday, April 25th for special tour of Pvilion – A solar products manufacturing company. Continue to celebrate Earth Day activities with GreenHomeNYC by learning how Pvilion’s innovative designs are transforming the solar industry via the intersection of fabric and renewable energy. Be part of a unique opportunity to visit Pvilion’s offices and manufacturing facilities…
Monthly Forum: Policy Action on Climate Change {Patty Noonan Memorial Policy Forum}
Many people now accept the concept of climate change as a reality and recognize that it is being accelerated by man-made activities. With each passing day, the time to make actionable change to reverse these trends is running out. The Green New Deal, a major policy initiative championed by Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is…
Green Careers March Recap: Networking Skills Workshop
By Carl Hourihan Image by Louise Lauren We all know the adage, “It’s who you know, not what you know.” Although this isn’t 100% true all the time, it certainly helps when you’re trying to start a new career! Emily Taubenblatt led our workshop, helping participants to gain the skills needed to meet and…
Monthly Forum: NYC Food Waste – Upcycling and Impact
How much food do you think goes to waste each day in NYC? How can we create a more sustainable food ecosystem that addresses the environmental, social, and financial realities of food waste? How can we curb food scraps from landfills, prevent avoidable food spoilage, and get food to those in need? Come join…
Green Careers March: Networking Skills Workshop
Join us for a workshop on networking! Learn the tricks of the trade from professionals, and make connections of your own. We will talk about the importance of networking and practice skills. Workshop Leader: Emily Taubenblatt Emily is a communications consultant at APCO Worldwide and lead volunteer with GreenHomeNYC. She advises clients in online…