Category: Blog

  • March Forum Recap: Sustainable Policy 201

    by Miaoru Guan   The Sustainable Policy 201 Forum featured four speakers working towards sustainable, affordable housing through diverse but connected roles. Michelle Andry works at New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), where she focuses on energy efficiency, clean energy, and energy affordability initiatives impacting low-income housing. Francesca Camillo, Project Manager at…

  • {Green Careers} April Recap: Speed (Up)Dating Your Resume

    by Curtis Morrow and Emily Taubenblatt   During our annual Resume Workshop, the Green Careers team invited professionals representing the public sector (Department of Buildings, New York City Housing Authority – NYCHA), the private sector (Kenneth Cole, Community Preservation Corporation, and Steven Winter Associates), and the non-profit sector (Self-Help Community Services) to offer tips and…

  • May Forum: Resilient Solar

    As the solar energy industry continues its breakneck growth, more questions arise around how we can use this intermittent source of energy and still have reliably consistent power. This issue becomes even more critical in an era of more frequent and catastrophic climate events that can and have taken down the electrical grid.   In…

  • {Green Careers} May 2018: Speed Up-Dating Your Resume Workshop

      A good resume is your best weapon when you’re on the job hunt. To help you on this quest, the May Green Careers event is our annual “Speed Up-Dating Your Resume” workshop. In timed sessions with resume critics, you’ll receive constructive, personalized feedback on how to present your skills and experience in the best way…

  • {Green Careers} Recap: Exploring Corporate Social Responsibility

    Recap by Miaoru Guan   Corporate Social Responsibility, commonly referred to as CSR, describes companies’ initiatives to give back to the environment and community. The April 2018 Green Careers panelists spoke about their extensive experience with a wide range of CSR initiatives that help companies fulfill these goals while also improving the bottom line.  …

  • Making Green Business Grow

    by Tamanna Mohapatra   If you’re an eco-minded entrepreneur looking for the next great “green” idea, you may take some inspiration from a trio of local small businesses that hold sustainable values at their core. Starting a business, green or otherwise, has rewards and challenges. Fortunately, there are resources available through New York State, and…

  • Monthly Forum: Sustainable Policy 201

    For many years, GreenHomeNYC has dedicated an annual Policy Forum in the name of Patty Noonan, a GreenHomeNYC Founder and a trailblazer in sustainability who helped change the industry before we lost her way too soon. Her work with the Housing Partnership started the first replicable efficient affordable housing demonstration in the region, and paved the…

  • February Forum Recap: How to be Cool and Efficient

    by Yiran Song   Air conditioning is increasingly considered to be a required amenity in both residential and commercial settings. But concerns about global warming and greenhouse gas emissions gives us no time to waste in achieving more energy efficient AC systems. In the February GreenHomeNYC Forum “How to be Cool and Efficient”, three industry…

  • Volunteer Spotlight: Emily Taubenblatt

    Meet another GreenHomeNYC volunteer who dedicates her time to make our educational programs a success.  This month, the spotlight is on Emily Taubenblatt.   Why did you decide to volunteer for GreenHomeNYC? About 2 years ago, I wanted to connect with others in my chosen field of sustainability and I also was looking for a job…

  • {Green Careers} March Event: Green Credentialing

    Professional certifications can often be helpful in the sustainability field, especially for professionals seeking to get their foot in the door, or change jobs. Although LEED is still fairly ubiquitous, as attitudes toward urban living and buildings change, newer certifications are coming to the fore, sometimes making it difficult to know which ones are right…