Category: Blog
{Green Careers} October 2016 Recap: Green Products Industry
by Keith Wong October’s GreenHomeNYC Sustainable Career Tracks explored careers that focus on reducing the public health threats found in materials, goods and services. The speakers came from a variety of fields that are responsible for different phases of sustainable projects and products, but all share a common theme: they look to product and…
Communication Conundrum: Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Goals
By Pamela Berns In October, The New York Times reported on a Pew Research Survey which “showed that while more than 90 percent of climate scientists agree that human activity causes climate change, the scientific consensus doesn’t appear to be swaying the public. Which begs the question – what’s going on here? Linguists, psychologists,…
Our Green Careers Group Needs You and Your Bright Ideas for our 2017 Programs!
Thanks to all our volunteers for supporting and attending Green Careers events this past year! We’d love your feedback and welcome your ideas to help us create another great year. For our November 15th Green Careers meeting, we’ll begin planning the 2017 calendar year. Please join us and share your thoughts about this year’s past events,…
November Forum: Basics of Buildings and Building Science taught by The Jedi
While we all look to sustainable technology, ignoring the basics of buildings can be wasteful for your clients, result in your missing building performance metrics, and is generally bad for your business. If you can get a 10% ROI on a project, why not do a more full, less expensive, and significantly more cost…
How will NYC Reduce its Carbon Emissions by 80% by 2050?
How will New York City’s buildings transform over the next 35 years to withstand the demands of a changing climate? Some 700 professionals from every field related to our buildings and the codes that govern them will gather at the BuildingEnergy NYC Conference + Trade Show at the TKP Center in midtown Manhattan on November…
October Forum: Sustainability Spotlight – Gowanus
Join GreenHome NYC for a discussion on the revitalization of the Gowanus neighborhood in Brooklyn. The Gowanus Canal, which was designated an EPA Superfund Site in 2009, has become notorious for the degree of pollution it has endured. The pollution stems from multiple sources, including heavy industrialization, lack of proper flushing, and being an…
FABnyc: Combining Sustainability and the Arts
by Jennifer Lauren How can community organizations address sustainability through creative and inclusive means in an ever-changing city? For Fourth Arts Block NYC (FABnyc), it means weaving sustainability into programs that support the vibrant artist community on the Lower East Side. Founded in 2001, the neighborhood non-profit is a coalition of arts and community…
{Green Careers} September 2016 Recap: Elevator Pitch Workshop
By Matt Gerson and Katie Schwamb An elevator pitch is defined as “a succinct personal summary used to capture the interest of a potential employer.” The name comes from the idea that this speech is delivered within the brief timeframe of a typical elevator ride; it raises one of the most important questions you need…
September Forum: Sustainable Affordable Housing Rehabilitation
Most of New York City’s affordable housing stock was constructed over thirty years ago, before better insulated, ventilated, and resilient buildings became a requirement. Other city properties may date back a hundred years or more and are subject to incomplete renovations. Compounded by sometimes inadequate maintenance and lack of funding, many of these properties are…
Striving Towards Zero Waste in New York City Schools
by Megan Nordgrén As New York City’s public school students get back to the classroom on Sept. 8, students in 100 of these schools will see some changes to how they dispose of their waste. Included in a pilot program, these newly-designated Zero Waste Schools are being set up as models for recycling and…