Category: Blog
The Green Spotlight on BE NYC: Dan Rieber
Countdown to BE NYC! With only days until October 16th, GreenHomeNYC is shining the spotlight on the experts who will be making BE NYC conference an exceptional industry event! One of the professionals participating in the conference is Dan Rieber. Dan Rieber is the Weatherization Director at NMIC (Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation) as well as a frequent speaker…
The Green Spotlight on BE NYC: Erica Brabon
Countdown to BE NYC! With onlydays until October 16th, GreenHomeNYC is shining the spotlight on the experts who will be making BE NYC conference an exceptional industry event! One of the professionals participating in the conference is Erica Brabon. Erica Brabon is a Senior Multifamily consultant at Steven Winter Associates. She is a frequent speaker at NESEA’s…
The Green Spotlight: Tom Sahagian
Tom Sahagian has been the Senior Program Director, Technical Services at Enterprise Community Partners, a national nonprofit in the community development and affordable housing field, for about a year. At Enterprise, he helps to implement PartnerPREP (Partner Portfolio Retrofit Engagement Platform), which helps owners and managers of affordable housing to become effective energy stewards…
The Green Spotlight
“Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us.” In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, the green light that shines across the water from Tom Buchanan’s estate represents Gatsby’s ambitions that are so close yet too far, weakened by time passing. Gatsby’s love for Daisy is the…
August Forum – Spotlight on Roosevelt Island
New York is a city made up of islands, so Roosevelt Island, the 2-mile long island in the East River might seem unremarkable, but it features a wealth of unique systems and a rich history that are worth taking a moment to examine! That’s why in August we’ll be doing one of our Spotlight features…
{Green Careers} Elevator Pitch – Recap
By Sarah Hovde. On July 9th, GreenhomeNYC held one of its regular “Green Career Meetup” events for professionals looking to transition to a career in the “green”/sustainability field. About 25 people attended the event, which was held at the office of the law firm Nixon Peabody. Facilitated by GreenhomeNYC’s own Andy Padian, the meeting…
July Forum = learning about sustainable building standards.
July2013 ghnyc -alternatives to leed-7-17-13 from GreenHomeNYC When someone says, “green building standard,” what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? Odds are you said “LEED,” but did you know that there are other building standards out there? For example, check out the sample list of building standards below. Can you name others?…
July Forum: Alternatives to LEED
Though the trend is beginning to shift, when most people think of standards and sustainability, they think of LEED. It’s inarguably the best established standard, but certainly not the only game in town! With our July forum our goal is to give an overview of four of the other options that are out there: Passive…
{Green Careers} July 2013 meeting – Elevator Pitch
elevator pitch – noun – a succinct personal summary used to capture the interest of a potential employer. Being able to define who you are, what you do, and why you’re the best person for the job is an important skill for any professional to have, especially for someone on the hunt for a…
GreenHomeNYC – New York Times Building Tour
Join GreenHomeNYC on Friday, July 12th, for very special afternoon tour (1-2pm) of the New York Times Headquarters, located at Times Square on 8th Avenue. This guided tour will take guests behind the scenes of one of New York’s most recognizable office towers to see how this 52-story, 1.5 million sqft building was designed and built…