Tag: environmental activism
Monthly Forums March Recap: Sustainable Apparel 101
by Lisa Bonanate Few people think about how green their wardrobe is, unless they’re pondering what color to wear. But the apparel industry has an environmental impact that warrants deeper consumer attention. In the U.S. alone, the industry generates an estimated 14.3 million tons of textile waste every year. Toxic chemicals used in manufacturing impact the…
March Forum: Sustainable Apparel 101
It takes over 700 gallons of water to manufacture one cotton t-shirt and one-third of a pound of pesticides to grow the cotton used for its production. The manufacturing process for a pair of jeans uses approximately 400 mega joules of energy and emits as much carbon dioxide as driving 78 miles. And that is…
The Green Spotlight on BE NYC: Erica Brabon
Countdown to BE NYC! With onlydays until October 16th, GreenHomeNYC is shining the spotlight on the experts who will be making BE NYC conference an exceptional industry event! One of the professionals participating in the conference is Erica Brabon. Erica Brabon is a Senior Multifamily consultant at Steven Winter Associates. She is a frequent speaker at NESEA’s…