Tag: rooftop gardens

  • Growing Trend: Sustainable Science in New York City Schools

    by Megan Nordgrén   While the federal government currently eschews all mention of climate change, more and more New York City schools are embracing sustainability education. One such opportunity for a solid STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) program is turning students into urban farmers, as they learn the mandated science standards.   The Greenhouse…

  • Growing “Up”: Urban Vertical Farming

    by Tamanna Virmani   When you think of New York City, what’s the first image that comes to mind? For people who have visited or live here, maybe it’s one of the following – crowded, dense, lights or skyscrapers – but not “green” and certainly not “farming”. However, that picture may change with the advent…

  • “The Urban Food Planning (R)evolution” at the New School on Earth Day 2015

    By Pamela Berns   The New School celebrated Earth Day with a day-long event entitled “Earth Matters: Designing Our Future.”  The program consisted of panel discussions ranging from sustainable fashion to climate change, with speakers from organizations as varied as NRDC, the Municipal Art Society, and the Mayor’s Office of Recovery and Resiliency.   In…