Tag: Waste Management

  • Green Careers Recap: Career Opportunities in Waste Reduction and Management

    By Tamanna Mohapatra   Photo by Kenton Archer   On July 9th, 2019, GreenHomeNYC hosted a panel discussion on careers in waste management. Our three panelists engaged the audience with inspiring stories about their career paths, and offered insights into this growing and varied field. They also shared great career tips with the diverse group…

  • August Forum: Waste Management

    One of the most challenging sustainability questions facing large urban centers such as New York City is how to handle all the waste that is produced here on a daily basis. New York City has struggled with this question long before the last landfill shut down on its soil in 2001. With no spare land…

  • A Greener Future for Waste Management

    by Tamanna Virmani   All of us living or working in New York City recognize and admire the fact that the city is a trailblazer in many areas. However, waste management in general, and organics recycling in particular, have been challenging issues for the city – issues needing a trailblazing spirit to establish best practices…

  • The Green Spotlight: Jordan Bonomo

    Jordan Bonomo is a Multifamily Energy Auditor at Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation (NMIC), a long time GreenHomenNYC volunteer, head of the Green Building Tours,  and a  Student in Columbia University’s Sustainability Management graduate program   GreenHomeNYC’s blog mentions that your interest in the environment was sparked while working on a climate change campaign for MASSPIRG.  Please…